We don't speak legalese - so here it is, plain and simple.

Terms of Service:

Jotstack.com is a free note-taking platform designed to keep your life more organized and give you a way to jot things down quickly when it matters most. We think Jotstack.com is a great service and we'd like to make you a promise about that. Below are our five terms of service that constitute that promise.

1. Privacy

We are dedicated to defending your privacy as a user of our service. We don't read anyone's notes, we don't have access to your password, nor do we share any of your information with 3rd party services. Your passwords and login information are encrypted by up to date, standard security processes and live behind protected databases. As a respect to your privacy we'll never ask you for your password and will always notify you of any platform, policy or privacy changes.

2. Ownership

Jotstack.com acknowledges zero ownership over your notes. Any information stored within our databases belongs to the original creator. That means that if you are storing a copy of your favorite poem (for example) in a note, the author of the poem maintains intellectual property over the poem. Any proprietary information is protected under the DMCA. As a content owner, you are privelaged to expunge or restore any proprietary information at will - if you are unable to do so via self-service site functions we promise to do our best to assist you within our capacity. We do not carry responbility for any questionable, illegal or abusive content stored by rogue users. If you are the owner of these types of content, you carry all liabilities concerning that content.

3. Speed

We believe in providing a service that doesn't slow you down, especially during those valuable microseconds of inspiration - those, "have to write it down now" moments. As such, we promise to keep speed in mind with any alterations of the site and will do everything in our power to give you the chance to "write it down now" if we can help it. Current features like the ability to create, edit and manage notes within 2 clicks or less are just the tip of the iceberg.

4. Reliability

What good is a note app if its unreliable? We'd like to think we've forged a platform that won't die on you (we hate those twitter server outages just as much as the next guy) or limit your ability to do what you do best - write. Jotstack.com is committed to keeping up with modern information security standards, keeping up with usability best-practices and providing high standards of service uptime.

5. Awsomeness

Arguably the most critical part of any site's TOS, the Awesomeness Clause is a cultural highlight at Jotstack.com. The bottom line is we are committed to providing an awesome service. If you have an idea that you think would make the site better, please send us your feedback. We take your opinions seriously and will work tirelessly to make the site even more awesome.

The Awesomeness Clause also covers our expectation of how awesome you will be as a user of this service. We expect you not to abuse any of the site features. Storage of illegal information (i.e. stolen data, illegal images, etc.) or other abuses will be met with the banning of your account and possible steps beyond that. Any activity discovered and deemed to be abusive, questionable or illegal may be dealt with, reported or proceeded by legal actions at our discretion.

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