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Frequently Asked Questions

What's this site all about?
How do I create a new note?
Can I still create notes if I'm not logged-in/registered?
How do I edit note titles?
How do I edit note content?
How do I delete notes?
Are deleted notes gone forever?
I have too many notes! How do I stay organized?
How do I change my password?
How can I share my notes, jots and thoughts?
How do Public Stacks work?
I don't like web forms - how do I just send you an email?

What's this site all about?

Jotstack.com is a free, web-based note app dedicated to recording those fleeting moments we all have in an organized, quick to access digital archive. It works like this: create a note to save a precious thought, that grocery store list or your latest business idea. Then hit save. Log back in at a later time to edit, delete or reorganize your notes and share your thoughts with Public Stacks!

How do I create a new note?

Just click the + button to reveal a brand new note to start working on! You can click inside this new note where it says Click here to begin editing! to get typing. When you're ready to save, hit the "Save" button or click anywhere outside the text box to store your new note.

Tip: All newly created notes are saved as "Untitled" - make sure to edit your note's title to something more memorable.

Can I still create notes if I'm not logged-in/registered?

Yes! Even if you are logged out, the main page has a + button on it to create notes pre-login. Make sure when ready to save that you get logged in or registered! Your new note will be temporarily saved as "Untitled".

How do I edit note titles?

All note titles are editable by simply clicking on them. Example: My new note turns into with a single click. Just click outside the text box to store your new title

How do I edit note content?

The same way you edit note titles. Click on your note to slide out content and when you're ready to get typing just click inside the slider box to turn it into a text box! Example below:



You can put all kinds of content into a Jotstack note. You can use HTML tags in your notes and to include many types of content ranging from your favorite poem to embedded youtube videos. Please read our Terms of Service for details on our content use and privacy policy.

How do I delete notes?

Once logged in, you can click the X button for any of your notes to remove them. Know that this simply archives your notes to be restored later from the Manage Notes page.

Are deleted notes gone forever?

No! By clicking X you are archiving notes for later use which removes them from the main notes page. By visiting the Manage Notes page you can restore any previously archived notes. There is a function to permanently delete notes from the Manage Notes page, however deleting in this way removes your notes permanently!

I have too many notes! How do I stay organized?

Jotstack.com provides sorting features to keep you organized. However, you can also visit the Manage Notes page to archive, restore or permanently delete quickly. If you have a feature request or feedback on our organization tools, please use the feedback form above.

How do I change my password?

Can't login? We have a self-service password reset tool that you can use to conveniently generate a new password (sent to your email). If you can login but would simply like to change your password, just visit the Edit Account page.

How can I share my notes, jots and thoughts?

Once you start jotting and have a few notes in your private stack, you'll be able to share them by marking them "Public" and sending all your friends the direct link to your public stack. Anyone can view your public stack and make comments, which makes Jotstack a great curation tool for idea people who don't just like to think, but also enjoy communicating their thoughts with others.

How do Public Stacks work?

Next to each note in your stack is a button marked Private by default. By clicking on this button, you can set your notes to Public. Any Public notes will show up automatically in your Public Stack. You can get the direct link to your Public Stack after logging in. This permanent link can be shared with anyone, giving you the chance to share your ideas, lists, and thoughts with others.

I don't like web forms - how do I just send you an email?

For site help please email help@jotstack.com. For business inquiries please email bizdev@jotstack.com. For general questions, feedback and all other inquiries please shoot us a note at admin@jotstack.com

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